EP #4 What hourly rate should I charge in 2024?
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Let me ask you a question? As an interior designer or decorator, do you know what you should be charging your clients in 2024?
In this episode, I’ll discuss with you the high, medium, and low tier and work out where you can confidently fit in in 2024 and after.
Who is this show for? This show really is for mid-career aspiring interior design or decorating solopreneurs that need support in building their own interior design business whilst working 9 to 5.
My aim is to help you balance your time and make more money whilst being able to choose the projects you want to work on rather than ones you must take to pay your bills
But first, whether you are just checking if you are the right fit for a new career in design, or wondering how you can improve what's going on in your current design career
Take the quiz >
Ok, Lets cover the 3 tiers and work out where you should fit in here
Q 1- Tier 1 -low
Have you just come out of design school?
Have you minimal to no documented body of work [i.e., photographs, testimonials] that substantiate your experience?
Do you have an issue with confidence and feel that you may flounder/apologise more if you charge higher than keeping it low?
Q 2- Tier 2- mid
You now have several projects catalogues, website, and social proof of your work
You’ve run several design jobs and understand how in-depth it is and not for the faint hearted.
You are comfortable keeping it solo, or are hiring out for the basics, such as bookkeeping and accounting.
Q 3- Tier 3 -high
Several years of experience and are now working from an external location
You have staff and need to ensure that all overheads are covered, such as sick/paid leave, insurances etc
You have a public profile that substantiates your ability to command higher rates and you feel confident that you sit in the realm of the top design echelon you see on TV or magazines.